Historiographies of Game Studies: What It Has Been, What It Could Be


Historiographies of Game Studies offers a first-of-its-kind reflection on how game studies as an academic field has been shaped and sustained. Today, game studies is a thriving field with many dedicated national and international conferences, journals, professional societies, and a strong presence at conferences in disciplines like computer science, communication, media studies, theater, visual arts,[…]

The Fight for Black Liberation: Breaking the Political Strings in the Post-Trump Era


The presidency of Donald J. Trump unveiled the calamity of white America’s determination to maintain so-called societal order during a period of landmark racial upheaval. From the death of George P. Floyd, Jr. and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020, to the 2021 winter insurrection and the post-2020 restrictive presidential[…]

Static Palace

Published: 12/01/2022

In the face of unimaginably violent systems, our most vulnerable bodies — sick, disabled, unable to rise from bed — offer the resistance of imperative vulnerability. What can we learn from the body that cannot help but fail? How can porosity perform treachery within entrenched opressions? What kind of reading and relationship to text can[…]

The(y)ology: Mythopoetics for Queer/Trans Liberation

Published: 06/01/2023

Every body contains multitudes, but no body is immune to the ideology of oneness: one true self, one sexuality, one gender, one vision of the world, one true God. For many who identify (or who have been named by others) as transgender, queer, and nonbinary, the refusal to fit within the illusion of one set[…]

Queer Communal Kinship Now!

Published: 03/30/2023

Queer communal kinship is a long overdue replacement for the naturalized model of the modern western family; a post-capitalist regime of social reproduction, aiming for redistributive justice through the politics of pleasure; a timely proposal for the demise of possessive and accumulative ideology, and the upsurge of a counter-imaginary; a manifesto for the collectivization of[…]

Turkish Voices


Published: 06/23/2022

Turkish Voices, written during 1989/90, is initially based on the Second New Turkish poet Cemal Süreya’s first book of poetry, Üvercinka (Pigeon English), which he wrote during the 1950s, in his twenties. In this book, striking erotic passages of uncanny psychological insight, where a nexus between pleasure and power is revealed through the lyric persona[…]

Something More Splendid Than Two


Published: 10/13/2022

Blending literary analysis and memoir, Something More Splendid Than Two is at once an excavation of intergenerational wounds, a dance number, a poem, and a fraught love letter from son to father that disrupts the dominant narratives surrounding the life and myth of Joaquín Murrieta. In the Mexican American imaginary, the legend of Joaquín Murrieta[…]

Chaucer’s Comic Providence


Published: 04/20/2023

Chaucer’s Comic Providence presents readings of five of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales that dramatize sexual division and the lack of rapport between the sexes. These readings are founded on the psychoanalytic thinking of Jacques Lacan in his rereading of Freud and are motivated by Thormann’s conviction that Chaucer understood what psychoanalysis would come to study as[…]