Forthcoming Titles

Oblation: Essays, Parables, Paradoxes

Elements of this book, Oblation: Essays, Parables, Paradoxes, defy reason. They do so for good reason. Much of what we do, much of what we think, is oblation: sacrifice, offering, to something or someone. The ...

Redacted: Writing in the Negative Space of the State

When it comes to the political, acts of redaction, erasure, and blacking out sit in awkward tension with the myth of transparent governance, borderless access, and frictionless communication. But should there be more than this ...

Unvoicing Migraine: A Study of the Failing Voice


These writings spring from an observation: When migraine arises, the voice fails. It does so on many levels, ranging from a vocal-technical disintegration to migraine-specific symptoms like dysarthria and aphasia, up to the muteness forced ...

Jorge Luis Borges: At Play with Mental Models of the World


Jorge Luis Borges: At Play with Mental Models of the World explores mind–world relations through the creative writings and reflections of the iconic Argentine author, along with insights from corresponding findings in the field of ...

punctum books is an independent open-access publisher dedicated to radically creative modes of intellectual inquiry and writing across a whimsical para-humanities assemblage. We curate books that are genre-bending and paradigm-shifting and also experiment with the styles and forms of intellectual writing. Our authors understand that where they publish is just as important as the content of their work, and that sharing their work with the global commons is vital and necessary.