Opioids: Addiction, Narrative, Freedom


Published: 10/05/2018

An epidemic is a feeling set within time as much as it is a matter of statistics and epidemiology: it is the feeling of many of us in the same desperate place at the same desperate time. Opioid epidemic thus names a present moment — at once historic and historical — centered on the substance[…]

Visceral: Essays on Illness Not as Metaphor


Published: 10/16/2017

Memoirs about being sick are popular and everywhere and only ever contribute to pop narratives of illness as a single event or heroic struggle or journey. Visceral: Essays on Illness as Metaphor is not that. Visceral, to the extent that it is a memoir, is a record not of illness but of the research project[…]

Creep: A Life, A Theory, An Apology

Published: 08/29/2017

Creep Listed as a Finalist for a 2018 Literary Lambda Award (Gay Memoir)! Creeps surround us, seemingly everywhere. People creep up on each other both on the streets and online, with digital technologies vectoring a lot of cyber-stalking. It’s so easy to spy on people that “creep catching” has even become a form of news[…]

Solar Calendar, and Other Ways of Marking Time

Published: 02/24/2017

How to be philosophical, how to be good and ethical and interconnected. How to be responsible, how to be free. Through his intrepid hybrid of critical essay, poetry, and memoir, Jeremy Bendik-Keymer has plumbed every part of himself to answer these questions. The result, Solar Calendar, is a truly holistic work, suffused with intelligence, honesty, beauty, and care.

~Alex Shakar, author of Luminarium

Escargotesque, or, What Is Experience?


Published: 01/26/2015

Read a review of Escargotesque in Digital America HERE. “Experience” is a concept paradoxically deployed to accentuate the aconceptual. Although thinking, knowing, reflecting, and analyzing are kinds of experiences, invocations of “experience” typically direct our attention to what is immediate, embodied, unrepresented, unthought, even unthinkable. And yet, whether by learning experience, traumatic experience, life experience,[…]

Ostranenie: On Shame and Knowing


Published: 12/24/2012

Ostranenie, the term for defamiliarization introduced by Russian writer and critic Victor Shklovsky, means, among other things, to see in strangeness. To see in strangeness is to participate in an illusion that is more real than real. It may be achieved by (re)presenting the surface as the substance, the play as the thing, or by[…]