Winter Light: On Late Life’s Radiance

Published: 02/28/2025

In the contemporary West, the elderly are regarded as somehow “other,” no longer who they used to be, no longer full members of the worlds they once inhabited. Being old is seen as a medical management issue. But old age is not a defective version of what preceded it; it is — like childhood, adolescence,[…]

The Fight for Black Liberation: Breaking the Political Strings in the Trump Era

Published: 02/11/2025

The first presidency of Donald J. Trump further unveiled the calamity of white America’s determination to maintain societal order during a period of landmark racial upheaval. From the restrictive voting measures led by Republicans and conservatives following the 2020 election, to the death of George P. Floyd Jr. and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests[…]

Selected Essays, 2019–2023


There are floods that destroy entire contents of a library or publishing house; libraries and museums bombed during wartime; authors themselves demanding certain works or letters be burned at their death; those who attempt at their own risk to save what they can of a manuscript; manuscripts left in taxis and never to be found[…]

Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations


In times of Earthly crises, habituated Euro-Western vocabularies and imaginaries — dichotomist and human-centric — need to be questioned, and radically different ones developed. Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations employs the sleeping body as a theoretically informed and politically motivated figure to open novel imaginaries and relationalities — ones[…]

Autotheory and Its Others


Ever since Maggie Nelson’s Argonauts gave the word fresh currency a decade ago, autotheory has infiltrated scholarly, literary, and artistic practices. Autotheory and Its Others contributes to this nascent metacritical conversation. An inclusive discourse, autotheory embraces its uncanny double, allotheory, and, thus, this collection invites to the table a host of uncanny others: psychoanalysis, queer[…]

Labyrinths: New and Selected Writings



“Why are penetrating questions so much harder to formulate than penetrating answers?” critic Louis Bury asks. Why, indeed. It’s a great question, and also the throughline of Labyrinths: New and Selected Writings. In this collection, Munro formulates penetrating questions (punctums) again and again, and with style and economy. The stories that follow are never reduced[…]

A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues


A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues is the lyric memoir of Korean American survivor Seo-Young (Jennie) Chu. It is also a meta-memoir, one that is aware of its makeshift nature, poses questions about the genre(s) it inhabits, and self-consciously reflects on what it means to write autobiographically. Throughout the book, Chu experiments with[…]

Heavy Processing

Published: 11/27/2024

What happens when we take the joke of “lesbian processing” seriously as a research method? Heavy Processing does just this, by tracing the multi-directional genealogies and vast affinities of processing-heavy methods as innovations in information technologies (operating systems, central processing units, network designs). Part methods handbook, manifesto, and survival guide, this book opens up the[…]