A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues


In this lyric memoir, Seo-Young Chu experiments with using literary fugues to explore the literal and figurative “fugue states” — from spells of incantatory writing to oneiric re-namings of the self — in which she has found refuge from abuse, intergenerational distress, and rape trauma. The voices animating the fugues in A Refuge for Jae-in[…]

Cycle of Dreams


Published: 12/15/2024

An experimental hybrid work, Cycle of Dreams pairs translation and original poetry. The translations, or adaptations, are of William Langland’s strange and wild fourteenth-century dream vision, Piers Plowman, a politically radical English and Latin poem written in the wake of plague and divided into a prologue and twenty passūs or steps. Eric Weiskott transposes the action[…]