A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues


In this lyric memoir, Seo-Young Chu experiments with using literary fugues to explore the literal and figurative “fugue states” — from spells of incantatory writing to oneiric re-namings of the self — in which she has found refuge from abuse, intergenerational distress, and rape trauma. The voices animating the fugues in A Refuge for Jae-in[…]

The Singing Detainee and the Librarian with One Book: Essays on Exile


In late 2019, journalist Michael Beltran found himself in the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands, deep in conversation with Filipino revolutionary leaders Jose Maria Sison and Julie de Lima. What was planned to be a feature article ended up as a collection of observations on what it means to live in exile. Sison and de[…]