The Wind ~ An Unruly Living

Published: 12/14/2018

Barely moving a solid thesis, the creative essay is atmospheric. Yet the wind, although it slips through fingers, grasps at them, a fluid hand on our hands. A process begun in Pisa, Italy in April of 2016 during a workshop on political theory in the Anthropocene, The Wind ~ An Unruly Living is a philosophical[…]

Solar Calendar, and Other Ways of Marking Time

Published: 02/24/2017

How to be philosophical, how to be good and ethical and interconnected. How to be responsible, how to be free. Through his intrepid hybrid of critical essay, poetry, and memoir, Jeremy Bendik-Keymer has plumbed every part of himself to answer these questions. The result, Solar Calendar, is a truly holistic work, suffused with intelligence, honesty, beauty, and care.

~Alex Shakar, author of Luminarium