Winter Light: On Late Life’s Radiance

Published: 02/28/2025

In the contemporary West, the elderly are regarded as somehow “other,” no longer who they used to be, no longer full members of the worlds they once inhabited. Being old is seen as a medical management issue. But old age is not a defective version of what preceded it; it is — like childhood, adolescence,[…]

A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues


A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues is the lyric memoir of Korean American survivor Seo-Young (Jennie) Chu. It is also a meta-memoir, one that is aware of its makeshift nature, poses questions about the genre(s) it inhabits, and self-consciously reflects on what it means to write autobiographically. Throughout the book, Chu experiments with[…]

Unvoicing Migraine: A Study of the Failing Voice


These writings spring from an observation: When migraine arises, the voice fails. It does so on many levels, ranging from a vocal-technical disintegration to migraine-specific symptoms like dysarthria and aphasia, up to the muteness forced upon the sufferer by stigmatization. As a migraine-suffering singer, Marsike Broeckmeyer witnesses and experiences these alterations. Frequently, routinely, and almost[…]

Jorge Luis Borges: At Play with Mental Models of the World



Jorge Luis Borges: At Play with Mental Models of the World explores mind–world relations through the creative writings and reflections of the iconic Argentine author, along with insights from corresponding findings in the field of cognitive studies. A selection of representative works — stories, poems, and essays — illuminates features of the constructive imagination that[…]

Inner Conflicts



What should I do? What is the right thing to do? What do I do when I don’t know what to do? The difficulty in answering these questions does not come from a lack of knowledge but a deeper problem that requires us to look inward (and outward). Inner Conflicts is an antidote to the[…]

On the Trail of the Morning Star: Psychosis as Self-Discovery


Published: 05/15/2024

In 1936, at age nineteen, Dorothea Buck followed the trail of a star along the mudflats of her North Sea home, Wangerooge Island in Germany. Hospitalized at a Christian institution called Bethel, she was sterilized under Nazi law upon a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Buck lost her lifelong dream of becoming a teacher—the sterilized could not[…]

Ontohackers: Radical Movement Philosophy in the Age of Extinctions and Algorithms, Part I: Radical Movement Philosophy and the Body Intelligence R/evolution

Published: 05/15/2024

Ontohackers redefines what movement, worlds, and bodies are through the sense of proprioception reconceptualized as formless fluctuation field, a movement matrix that is itself also thought, and which underlies all life forms and fields including the inorganic. Our worlds are made of endless such entangled fields n-folding in neverending variation or enferance. The current planetary[…]

Ontohackers: Radical Movement Philosophy in the Age of Extinctions and Algorithms, Part III: Metahistories of Movement: Philosophies in Becoming (An Appendix or Extension)


Ontohackers redefines what movement, worlds, and bodies are through the sense of proprioception reconceptualized as formless fluctuation field, a movement matrix that is itself also thought, and which underlies all life forms and fields, including the inorganic. Our worlds are made of endless such entangled fields n-folding in neverending variation or enferance. The current planetary[…]