Crossings: Migrant Knowledges, Migrant Forms


Crossings: Migrant Knowledges, Migrant Forms brings together activists, artists, scholars, and migrants with diverse histories to explore what the experience of migration does with, and to, knowledge, and how its own ways of knowing find expressive form. As it thinks about physical and imaginative crossings, and the traversals and transactions of knowledge they entail, the[…]

Flowers for Marx


Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower.  ~ Karl Marx Since the spectacular collapse of the political aspirations of Bernie Sanders in the US[…]

Signs of the Great Refusal: The Coming Struggle for a Postwork Society

Published: 12/07/2023

In recent years, developed countries have seen the rise of discussions concerning “the problem with work today.” Since this literature tends to reflect the frustrations of the professional–managerial class (as well as other workers in globalized services industries in the digital age), it is often at a significant distance from the concerns of the organized[…]

The Fight for Black Liberation: Breaking the Political Strings in the Post-Trump Era


The presidency of Donald J. Trump unveiled the calamity of white America’s determination to maintain so-called societal order during a period of landmark racial upheaval. From the death of George P. Floyd, Jr. and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020, to the 2021 winter insurrection and the post-2020 restrictive presidential[…]

Redacted: Writing in the Negative Space of the State


When it comes to the political, acts of redaction, erasure, and blacking out sit in awkward tension with the myth of transparent governance, borderless access, and frictionless communication. But should there be more than this brute juxtaposition of truth and secrecy? Redacted: Writing in the Negative Space of the State brings together essays, poems, artwork,[…]

Evil Twins and the Ultimate Insight: Ayn Rand, Vladimir Nabokov, and the Polarized Politics of Reading

Published: 10/05/2023

With the 2020 election, political polarization in the U.S. entered a ludicrous end-stage. Partisanship, once a pseudo-rational system of biases, has devolved to a conflict between incompatible realities. In search of some pathway toward consensus, Evil Twins and the Ultimate Insight: Ayn Rand, Vladimir Nabokov, and the Polarized Politics of Reading looks to the works[…]

Fascism, Vulnerability, and the Escape from Freedom: Readings to Repair Democracy

Published: 11/11/2022

A worldwide struggle between democracy and authoritarianism set against a backdrop of global surveillance capitalism is unmistakable. Examples range from Myanmar, China, and the Philippines to Hungary, Turkey, Russia, and the United States. Fascism, Vulnerability, and the Escape from Freedom offers a multidisciplinary analysis drawing on psychology and literature to provide readers with a deeper[…]

Letters on the Autonomy Project


Published: 06/02/2022

In the face of rising authoritarianism and on the heels of urgent struggle, autonomy calls to us. How might we excavate the theory and history of autonomous politics to arrive at new possibilities for radical democracy and the radical imaginary? How can we rethink the ways in which artistic autonomy is theorized and practiced beyond[…]