My 1980s Gayboy Playlist


My 1980s Gayboy Playlist centers on eight musical works that impacted the author’s sexual and musical awakening as a troubled gay adolescent, including pieces by Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Beethoven, Anton Bruckner, Alban Berg, Prince, Kurt Cobain, and Tom Petty. Preferring Alban Berg over Van Halen in the 1980s was a serious aberration in the small Midwestern town[…]

Unvoicing Migraine: A Study of the Failing Voice


These writings spring from an observation: When migraine arises, the voice fails. It does so on many levels, ranging from a vocal-technical disintegration to migraine-specific symptoms like dysarthria and aphasia, up to the muteness forced upon the sufferer by stigmatization. As a migraine-suffering singer, Marsike Broeckmeyer witnesses and experiences these alterations. Frequently, routinely, and almost[…]

Janky Materiality: Artifice & Interface


Janky materiality works by not working. It is the spirit in the machine, the ghost in language, the provisional operation. It is a musicological poetics run through a patchwork apparatus. Janky Materiality: Artifice & Interface is a transdisciplinary performative critical investigation of analog–digital interface and materiality, language-oriented poetry and digital language art, experimental electronic music[…]

Sonic Detection: Necessary Notes for Arts and Performance


Sonic detection is a framework for open-ended, collaborative intellectual and creative practice. Sonic Detection is situated at the intersection of sound studies, performance studies, and interdisciplinary writing. It emerges from a decade-long working partnership between the two authors, Rebecca Collins and Johanna Linsley, which began as a slowly evolving series of eavesdropping on the east[…]

Winter Light


In the contemporary West, the elderly are regarded as somehow “other,” no longer who they used to be, no longer full members of the worlds they once inhabited. Being old is seen as a medical management issue. But old age is not a defective version of what preceded it; it is — like childhood, adolescence,[…]

Echo Otherwise: A Poetics of Sound and Loss in Ancient and Contemporary Poetry


At the heart of this book is a story about reading, about reading and pedagogy, about pedagogy’s readers, about readers who listen, listening while reading, about poems and their sonic materials, about the demands that poetic sounds make on writers and readers, about seduction, about echoes and repetition, about the resounding qualities of poetic matter.[…]

Escape Philosophy


Published: 07/14/2022

We are all perpetually holding ourselves together. Our breath, our blood, our food, our spit, our shit, our thoughts, our attention—all tightly held, all the time. Then at death we let it all out, oozing at once into the earth and gasping at last into the ether. The physical body has often been seen as[…]

dis/cord: Thinking Sound through Agential Realism

Published: 03/24/2022

dis/cord is an experiment in reading sound. Embarking from Karen Barad’s early work on agential realism, it diffracts quantum physics through sound art, finding the sympathetic resonances that allow them to speak together. dis/cord believes in the materialism of sound, and strives not to understand it, but to become entangled with it. It asserts that[…]