Dominique Bauer is a professor in the Faculty of Architecture, University of Leuven (Belgium). She is also a member of GEMCA (Centre d’Analyse Culturelle de la Première Modernité), at the Université Catholique de Louvain, and was a visiting scholar at the CES Minda de Gunzburg at Harvard in 2009. She is series editor of Spatial Imageries in Historical Perspective with Amsterdam University Press. She works in the field of comparative literature, cultural history, and philosophy. Her research focuses on spatial images and interiority in literature and scholarly discourses, mainly in the long nineteenth-century in France and Belgium. She has published Beyond the Frame: Case Studies (Academic and Scientific Publishers, 2016) and Place-Text-Trace: The Fragility of the Spatial Image (Peeters, 2018), and she currently studies notions of absence, presence, and temporality in spatial images. On these themes, she has also published a number of book chapters and articles (on Balzac, Rodenbach and Belgian symbolism).