Gila Ashtor

Gila Ashtor is a critical theorist, writer and psychoanalyst based in New York City. She graduated with an MA in Literature and Philosophy from the University of Chicago and a PhD in Literature from Tufts University in 2016. Her research specializations include queer theory, psychoanalysis, trauma, affect studies and pedagogy. Her academic writing focuses on the relationship between queer theory and psychoanalysis and is the subject of her forthcoming book, Homo Psyche: Queer Theory and Metapsychology. Her clinical writing is primarily oriented to post-Freudian technique and theory and specifically explores the metapsychology of Jean Laplanche in the context of affect and sexuality studies. She is an Editor of Studies in Gender and Sexuality and is completing her MFA in Nonfiction at Columbia University. Currently, she is a psychoanalyst at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training & Research (IPTAR) in New York City, where she treats adults and children.
