thN Lng folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns™

Published: 10/13/2013

Neomedievalisms are cultural practices that breathe a bouquet of premoderns as permanent rehearsals of coming events. Where medievalists may be prone to police the post-medieval weald for inauthentic medievalisms, neomedievalists embrace the articulation and mobilisation of metahistorical anachronisms. To the medievalist, medievalisms provide powerful indexes that reveal how post-medieval societies have variously imagined ‘little middle ages’ to[…]


Published: 07/02/2013

Published in collaboration with: CAST [Contemporary Art Spaces Tasmania] Iteration:Again documents and reflects upon a series of thirteen temporary public art commissions by twenty-one Australian and international artists that took place across Tasmania from September 18 to October 15, 2011. Produced by Contemporary Art Spaces Tasmania and David Cross, in conjunction with seven partner curators,[…]

Helvete 1: Incipit


Published: 04/09/2013

Not to be confused with metal studies, music criticism, ethnography, or sociology, Helvete: A Journal of Black Metal Theory is a speculative and creative endeavor, one which seeks ways of thinking that count as Black Metal events — and indeed, to see how Black Metal might count as thinking. Theory of Black Metal, and Black[…]