Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations


In times of Earthly crises, habituated Euro-Western vocabularies and imaginaries — dichotomist and human-centric — need to be questioned, and radically different ones developed. Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations employs the sleeping body as a theoretically informed and politically motivated figure to open novel imaginaries and relationalities — ones[…]

Making the Geologic Now

Published: 12/04/2012

Access interactive companion web-book here. Making the Geologic Now announces shifts in cultural sensibilities and practices. It offers early sightings of an increasingly widespread turn toward the geologic as source of explanation, motivation, and inspiration for creative responses to conditions of the present moment. In the spirit of a broadside, this edited collection circulates images[…]