Bullied: The Story of an Abuse

Published: 10/21/2021

What happens when the defining moment of your life might be a figment of your imagination? How do you understand — and live with — definitive feelings of having been abused when the origin of those feelings won’t adhere to a singular event but are rather diffused across years of experience? In Bullied: The Story[…]

Creep: A Life, A Theory, An Apology

Published: 08/29/2017

Creep Listed as a Finalist for a 2018 Literary Lambda Award (Gay Memoir)! Creeps surround us, seemingly everywhere. People creep up on each other both on the streets and online, with digital technologies vectoring a lot of cyber-stalking. It’s so easy to spy on people that “creep catching” has even become a form of news[…]