A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues


In this lyric memoir, Seo-Young Chu experiments with using literary fugues to explore the literal and figurative “fugue states” — from spells of incantatory writing to oneiric re-namings of the self — in which she has found refuge from abuse, intergenerational distress, and rape trauma. The voices animating the fugues in A Refuge for Jae-in[…]

The Before and the After: Critical Asynchrony Now



Between 2020 and 2021, in the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic, the thirteen authors included in The Before and the After: Critical Asynchrony Now turned to reflections on the late work of Jacques Derrida in an attempt to think through the temporal disjunctions imposed by the global emergency. They found themselves thinking through ideas and[…]

Steal This Classroom: Teaching and Learning Unbound

Published: 11/28/2019

Check out the interactive website for Steal This Classroom HERE! In Steal This Classroom: Teaching and Learning Unbound, which comprises a book as well as an interactive website (designed by Alli Crandell), Jody Cohen and Anne Dalke construe “classrooms” as testing grounds, paradoxically boxed-in spaces that cannot keep their promise to enclose, categorize, or name.[…]

Centaurs, Rioting in Thessaly

Published: 01/09/2018

This book treads new paths through the labyrinths of our human thought. It meanders through the darkness to encounter the monsters at the heart of the maze: Minotaurs, Centaurs, Automata, Makers, Humans. One part of our human thought emerges from classical Ionia and Greek civilisation more generally. We obsessively return to that thought, tread again[…]