Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics

Published: 12/10/2015

READ Lester Spence on how he conceptualized this book as a sort of critical response to Cornel West’s Race Matters and David Harvey’s A Brief History of Neoliberalism, and why he chose punctum books as his publisher, HERE. Over the past several years scholars, activists, and analysts have begun to examine the growing divide between[…]

Who Killed the Berkeley School? Struggles Over Radical Criminology


Published: 04/21/2014

The Berkeley School of Criminology stands, to this day, as one of the most significant developments in criminological thought and action. Its diverse participants, students and faculty, were true innovators, producing radical social analyses (getting to the roots causes) of institutions of criminal justice as part of broader relations of inequality, injustice, exploitation, patriarchy, and[…]