The Funambulist Papers, Volume 2


Published: 04/09/2015

This book is the second volume of texts curated specifically for The Funambulist since 2011. The editorial line of this second series of twenty-six essays is dedicated to philosophical and political questions about bodies. This choice is informed by Léopold Lambert’s own interest in the (often violent) relation between the designed environment and bodies. Corporeal[…]

mythomaniaS: Crime Scenes & Psycho Case Studies

Published: 09/23/2015

mythomaniaS is a catalog of case studies in the form of film stills, architectural fragments, stage props, texts, and images culled from the experiments of MindMachineMakingMyths (Lab M4, part of the New Territories architecture studio), a collaboration begun in 2012 between Camille Lacadee and François Roche to construct environmental-architectural psycho-scapes (in the partly fabricated wilds[…]