The View from Howard’s Fuck Pad: The Deep State, Bad White Men, and the Weird Noir of James Ellroy


Just like he collected airplanes, Hughes obsessively collected women, stashing them in the more than one hundred apartments, hotel rooms, and houses he owned around Hollywood. ~ Samantha Barbas, Confidential Confidential: The Inside Story of Hollywood’s Notorious Scandal Magazine Eric Wilson’s The View from Howard’s Fuck Pad is for those who have been cold-cocked by[…]

Post Memes: Seizing the Memes of Production

Published: 11/25/2019

Art-form, send-up, farce, ironic disarticulation, pastiche, propaganda, trololololol, mode of critique, mode of production, means of politicisation, even of subjectivation — memes are the inner currency of the internet’s circulatory system. Independent of any one set value, memes are famously the mode of conveyance for the alt-right, the irony left, and the apoliticos alike,  and[…]