The Fight for Black Liberation: Breaking the Political Strings in the Trump Era

Published: 02/11/2025

The first presidency of Donald J. Trump further unveiled the calamity of white America’s determination to maintain societal order during a period of landmark racial upheaval. From the restrictive voting measures led by Republicans and conservatives following the 2020 election, to the death of George P. Floyd Jr. and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests[…]

The Before and the After: Critical Asynchrony Now


Published: 01/22/2025

Between 2020 and 2021, in the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic, the thirteen authors included in The Before and the After: Critical Asynchrony Now turned to reflections on the late work of Jacques Derrida in an attempt to think through the temporal disjunctions imposed by the global emergency. They found themselves thinking through ideas and[…]



Published: 01/16/2025

Requiem by Teresa Carmody is a “folk opera, a lament for the unexamined life,” writes editor and author David Ulin in his Introduction. In this short collection of fiction, a lonely man plainchants for the waitress he once stalked, a sonless father serenades a fatherless son, and a bereft family gathers to bury a parent,[…]

Cycle of Dreams


Published: 12/15/2024

An experimental hybrid work, Cycle of Dreams pairs translation and original poetry. The translations, or adaptations, are of William Langland’s strange and wild fourteenth-century dream vision, Piers Plowman, a politically radical English and Latin poem written in the wake of plague and divided into a prologue and twenty passūs or steps. Eric Weiskott transposes the action[…]

Heavy Processing

Published: 11/27/2024

What happens when we take the joke of “lesbian processing” seriously as a research method? Heavy Processing does just this, by tracing the multi-directional genealogies and vast affinities of processing-heavy methods as innovations in information technologies (operating systems, central processing units, network designs). Part methods handbook, manifesto, and survival guide, this book opens up the[…]

Burning Diagrams in Anthropology: An Inverse Museum


Published: 11/21/2024

Burning Diagrams in Anthropology examines the use of diagrams in anthropology to reimagine how we think about, and challenge, intellectual histories. Highlighting the impossibility of escaping what different disciplines and institutions deem to be “past,” the author combines critical analysis of selected diagrams with an expansive, exploratory reimmersion in their aesthetic, ethical, and political potential.[…]

Oblation: Essays, Parables, Paradoxes

Published: 11/06/2024

Elements of this book, Oblation: Essays, Parables, Paradoxes, defy reason. They do so for good reason. Much of what we do, much of what we think, is oblation: sacrifice, offering, to something or someone. The root of “oblation” is “to draw near” or “to dwell in.” It refers to what is brought unto the altar,[…]

Redacted: Writing in the Negative Space of the State

Published: 10/27/2024

When it comes to the political, acts of redaction, erasure, and blacking out sit in awkward tension with the myth of transparent governance, borderless access, and frictionless communication. But should there be more than this brute juxtaposition of truth and secrecy? Redacted: Writing in the Negative Space of the State brings together essays, poems, artwork,[…]