Cycle of Dreams


Published: 12/15/2024

An experimental hybrid work, Cycle of Dreams pairs translation and original poetry. The translations, or adaptations, are of William Langland’s strange and wild fourteenth-century dream vision, Piers Plowman, a politically radical English and Latin poem written in the wake of plague and divided into a prologue and twenty passūs or steps. Eric Weiskott transposes the action[…]

boy says (a book with no ending)


Published: 09/14/2024

Where does your voice come from? The one you speak with, or the one you read with? What does it sound like when you read, silently, to yourself? There are the first influences, or at least the ones that first come to mind. But you quickly admit that there are others as well. The voices[…]

Atlas of Petromodernity

Published: 07/05/2024

The Atlas of Petromodernity is many things in one: historical and geographical non-fiction, cultural theory essay, and picture book. In forty-four short essays, inspired by an equal amount of pictorial findings, Klose and Steininger develop a technical, geographical, political, and speculative panorama of the declining era of petroleum modernity. The authors stroll through Baku, Rotterdam,[…]

On the Trail of the Morning Star: Psychosis as Self-Discovery


Published: 05/15/2024

In 1936, at age nineteen, Dorothea Buck followed the trail of a star along the mudflats of her North Sea home, Wangerooge Island in Germany. Hospitalized at a Christian institution called Bethel, she was sterilized under Nazi law upon a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Buck lost her lifelong dream of becoming a teacher—the sterilized could not[…]

Echo Otherwise: A Poetics of Sound and Loss in Ancient and Contemporary Poetry


At the heart of this book is a story about reading, about reading and pedagogy, about pedagogy’s readers, about readers who listen, listening while reading, about poems and their sonic materials, about the demands that poetic sounds make on writers and readers, about seduction, about echoes and repetition, about the resounding qualities of poetic matter.[…]

In Defense of Don Giovanni: A Feminist Mythobiography

Published: 03/28/2024

Who wants to champion the figure of Don Giovanni in the time of Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo? Don Giovanni is a rapist, murderer, serial seducer, and liar. Can he ever be held up as a role model or seen as a figure to be enjoyed? This is the task that the eminent Italian historian and[…]

Continuum 2: Writings – Scritti – Écrits, 2015–2022


Published: 03/07/2024

This volume gathers Alessandro De Francesco’s essays and theoretical writings produced from 2015 to 2022. It follows the first volume, Continuum: Writings on Poetry as Artistic Practice, reuniting essays written between 2007 and 2015. The title of this new volume could only be Continuum 2, given that the underlying concept remains the same: to testify[…]