Labyrinths: New and Selected Writings



“Why are penetrating questions so much harder to formulate than penetrating answers?” critic Louis Bury asks. Why, indeed. It’s a great question, and also the throughline of Labyrinths: New and Selected Writings. In this collection, Munro formulates penetrating questions (punctums) again and again, and with style and economy. The stories that follow are never reduced[…]

100 Chinese Silences


Published: 10/05/2024

There are one hundred kinds of Chinese silence: the silence of unknown grandfathers; the silence of borrowed Buddha and rebranded Confucius; the silence of alluring stereotypes and exotic reticence. These poems make those silences heard. Writing back to an “orientalist” tradition that has defined modern American poetry, these 100 Chinese silences unmask the imagined Asias[…]

Taunting the Useful

Published: 08/06/2024

In an epoch driven by hyper-consumption and marvelously destructive futility, and in the context of a hegemonic utilitarianism where one goes to university to work rather than to “develop a meaningful philosophy of life,” the concept of the useful is perhaps one most in need of interrogation. Taunting the Useful seeks to unsettle notions of[…]



Published: 05/08/2024

In Lividity, poet Kim Rosenfield works within the outskirts of language, draining it of connotation and excess. Using words and phrases culled from linguistics textbooks and language-learning manuals, Rosenfield invites the reader to experience the everyday vernacular as dislocated affect. What happens when language acts as organ donor? When language, the conveyor of our vulnerability,[…]

Cries from the Merry-Go-Round: A Fugue of Shouts from an Anti-Ableist Activist


Cries from the Merry-Go-Round: A Fugue of Shouts from an Anti-Ableist Activist is a work of creative activism that suggests a redefinition of what a shout can be. In this case, the Shouts are literary expressions that call attention to urgent, emergent, or continuing daily acts of micro- and macro-aggressions against people living with disabilities[…]

like a dog

Published: 02/29/2024

Taking its cues from the New Narrative writing movement, like a dog considers how sexual identity is morphed, hidden, and denied by cultural forces like film, pornography, rape culture, and sexual semiotics. The speaker of like a dog writes about her sexuality, sexual trauma, and relationships in the epistolary form to explore how the personal[…]

Imagining What We Don’t Know: Creative Theory and Critical Bodies


Bringing together perception, ecology, community, lingual value, and quantum life, Imagining What We Don’t Know: Creative Theory and Critical Bodies presents twenty-four essays and theory poems that blend interpretive neologisms – wild dialectics, distributed centrality, membranism, deformance, bioautography, transplace, soft text, and more – with readings of visionary philosophers and the art and writing of[…]

Mourning the Ends: Collaborative Writing and Performance



Mourning the Ends: Collaborative Writing and Performance is an opening, a beginning, an attempt to rethink how we can be, think, and work together. This book, authored by a multitude, explores new methodologies of collaborative scholarship for the arts and humanities within the context of the various ecological, medical, military, and epistemic ends facing the[…]