Massa por Argamassa: A “Biblioteca de Babel” e o Sonho da Totalidade


Published: 09/17/2019

Massa por Argamassa apresenta uma exploração profunda de um dos maiores ilusionistas da literatura, Jorge Luis Borges. Seu conto “A Biblioteca de Babel” é um exemplar ilustre de sua capacidade lúdica, embora não somente devido ao mundo invertido que nele é imaginado, no qual uma biblioteca, que supostamente contém todas as combinações possíveis de todas[…]

How We Read: Tales, Fury, Nothing, Sound


Published: 07/18/2019

What do we do when we read? Reading can be an act of consumption or an act of creation. Our “work reading” overlaps with our “pleasure reading,” and yet these two modes of reading engage with different parts of the self. It is sometimes passive, sometimes active, and can even be an embodied form. The[…]

Paris Bride: A Modernist Life


Published: 02/21/2020

In July 1905, in Paris, a young Anglo-French woman called Marie Wheeler became the bride of a Swiss émigré, Johannes Schad. Immediately after the wedding, Marie and Johannes moved to London. And there they lived for nineteen years. In 1924, however, something happened to change their lives, and Marie, in many respects, simply disappeared. Paris[…]

Misinterest: Essays, Pensées, and Dreams


Published: 06/27/2019

The term “interest” lacks a precise antonym. In English, we have “disinterested” and “uninteresting,” but we want for a term that denotes robust opposition to interest. The same appears to hold true in every other language (as far as we know). Interest’s missing antonym reflects not merely a widespread lexical oversight, but a misrecognition of[…]

Sappho: ]fragments


Published: 12/31/2018

In Sappho, Jonathan Goldberg takes as his model the fragmentary state in which this sublime poet’s writing survives, a set of compositional and theoretical resources for living and thinking in more fully erotic ways in the present and the future. This book thus offers fragmentary commentary on disparate (Sapphic) works, such as the comics of[…]

Reiner Schürmann and the Poetics of Politics


Published: 09/28/2018

Reiner Schürmann’s thinking is, as he himself would say, “riveted to a monstrous site.” It remains focused on and situated between natality and mortality, the ultimate traits that condition human life. This book traces the contours of Schürmann’s thinking in his magnum opus Broken Hegemonies in order to uncover the possibility of a politics that[…]

Nothing in MoMA


Published: 09/22/2018

Nothing in MoMA is a series of photographs captured in areas of Manhattan museums in which there are no artworks, written words, or people. Addressing the “grammar that organizes and secures our scene of looking,” in the words of art historian David Joselit’s introduction, the book imagines a composite empty museum or a narrative of[…]

Non-Conceptual Negativity: Damaged Reflections on Turkey


Published: 03/27/2019

Non-Conceptual Negativity: Damaged Reflections on Turkey critiques those who have accused Deleuze of an unbounded affirmation which, according to them, has played directly into the hands of capitalist modes of production. Yet no one has acknowledged that under the aegis of nano-fascism, late capitalism has grown into Neanderthal capitalism, invented and developed in laboratory countries like[…]