Zafer Aracagök

Zafer Aracagök is a philosopher, musician, and artist who taught art theory and continental philosophy at various universities in Turkey for over 20 years. He is the author of three fiction and theory books in Turkish and a number of articles addressing the issues of image, resonance, and noise in continental philosophy and in the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari in journals such as Revue Chimères, Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, Parallax, Third Text, Rhizomes, Postmodern Culture, and Symploke. Among his more recent works are I Want To Be a Suicide Bomber (Little Black Cart, 2013); Zeminsiz Üçleme, (Kült Neşriyat, 2014); and Atopological Trilogy: Deleuze and Guattari (punctum, 2015). The Turkish translation of Atopological Trilogy was published by Kült Neşriyat in 2015. Non-Conceptual Negativity: Damaged Reflections on Turkey first appeared in Turkish (Sub Press, 2017) and was followed by a collection of articles, written in Turkish, on contemporary art and philosophy, Art: What Is There If Here’s Where? (Sub Press, 2018). He is one of the advisory editors of Rhizomes and Kaos Queer+, and he publishes monthly articles on arts and philosopy in Istanbul Art News. You can follow his work on his official website.
