Barton Myers: Works of Architecture and Urbanism

Published: 07/05/2019

Drawing on the vast archival resources of its Architecture and Design Collection, the UCSB Art, Design & Architecture Museum (University of California, Santa Barbara) presents an assessment of 50 years of design by Barton Myers (b. 1934), beginning with his work in the Toronto firm A.J. Diamond and Barton Myers (1967–1975) to his own offices[…]

Air Supplied

Published: 05/23/2018

Read an Excerpt from Air Supplied Here! Air Supplied doubles as an artbook and edited collection of critical essays on the work of Australian-based artist David Cross. Known for his practice with inflatable structures, his projects often draw audiences into unexpected situations and dialogues.  Working across performance/participatory art and object-based environments, Cross has developed a unique body[…]

Nothing in MoMA


Published: 09/22/2018

Nothing in MoMA is a series of photographs captured in areas of Manhattan museums in which there are no artworks, written words, or people. Addressing the “grammar that organizes and secures our scene of looking,” in the words of art historian David Joselit’s introduction, the book imagines a composite empty museum or a narrative of[…]

The Imagery of Interior Spaces

Published: 03/29/2019

On the unstable boundaries between “interior” and “exterior,” “private” and “public,” and always in some way relating to a “beyond,” the imagery of interior space in literature reveals itself as an often disruptive code of subjectivity and of modernity. The wide variety of interior spaces elicited in literature — from the odd room over the[…]

Finding Room in Beirut: Places of the Everyday

Published: 01/19/2019

Finding Room in Beirut: Places of the Everyday demonstrates why it is worth our while to explore the value and contemporary meaning of urban areas about to undergo complete renewal. Branching off from discourses surrounding the terrain vague, the book argues that large populated urban areas meet the criteria of the vague and constitute a[…]

Treatise on the Marvelous for Prestigious Museums

Published: 06/20/2018

Wrapped in modernist architect Marcel Breuer’s 1971 addition to the Cleveland Museum of Art, A Treatise on the Marvelous for Prestigious Museums considers the global ecological catastrophe by way of a speculative address to the art museums of the future, revisiting mid-century modes of site-specificity and speculative collage as utopian practices for the present. Written over[…]

Athens and the War on Public Space: Tracing a City in Crisis

Published: 04/20/2018

Drifting away from an eerily empty avenue, a lonely figure heads downstairs, into a metro station… Sometimes, the maelstrom of a crisis can be captured in a single image. The image of the mundane, barely noticeable movement of an urban dweller as they go about their everyday life. Athens and the War on Public Space[…]

Badiou Studies 5: Architheater

Published: 07/07/2017

The fifth volume of the Journal of Badiou Studies, “Architheater,” energized by the publication of Badiou’s Rhapsodie pour le théâtre (2014), knits together distinguished approaches to artistic production engaging with the work of Alain Badiou: ‘Engaging’ here means articulated positions that include, imply, or criticize the Badiouiesque corpus. The issue does not therefore seek to implement Badiou’s philosophical[…]