Sonic Detection: Necessary Notes for Arts and Performance


Sonic detection is a framework for open-ended, collaborative intellectual and creative practice. Sonic Detection is situated at the intersection of sound studies, performance studies, and interdisciplinary writing. It emerges from a decade-long working partnership between the two authors, Rebecca Collins and Johanna Linsley, which began as a slowly evolving series of eavesdropping on the east[…]

The Presence of Absence: Meditations on the Unsayable in Writing


Published: 06/19/2024

The Presence of Absence: Meditations on the Unsayable in Writing is about writers navigating the unspeakable through image, sound, and structure. Each chapter focuses on a specific text, exploring the ways that four writers look to visual and auditory materials and metaphors as passageways to understanding and expressing the ineffable qualities of relationships, identity, and[…]

A Cyborg’s Father: Misreading Donna Haraway


When his daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as an infant and became dependent on technology to stay alive, Dave Brennan sets off in search of a vision: what does it mean to live as a cyborg? And how might he best help his daughter navigate the relationship between machine and flesh? Beginning with[…]

Winter Light


In the contemporary West, the elderly are regarded as somehow “other,” no longer who they used to be, no longer full members of the worlds they once inhabited. Being old is seen as a medical management issue. But old age is not a defective version of what preceded it; it is — like childhood, adolescence,[…]

like a dog

Published: 02/29/2024

Taking its cues from the New Narrative writing movement, like a dog considers how sexual identity is morphed, hidden, and denied by cultural forces like film, pornography, rape culture, and sexual semiotics. The speaker of like a dog writes about her sexuality, sexual trauma, and relationships in the epistolary form to explore how the personal[…]

Dancing with Philoctetes: Reflections on Pain and Remembrance


Published: 12/15/2023

Abandoned by his community, doomed to a solitary existence with his voice as sole companion: can Sophocles’ Philoctetes still speak to us? What do his screams have to say? Dancing with Philoctetes: Reflections on Pain and Remembrance juxtaposes a new adaptation of Sophocles’ play with an essay describing the process of bringing it to life[…]

Feminist Solidarities after Modulation

Published: 11/30/2023

Feminist Solidarities after Modulation produces an intersectional analysis of transnational feminist movements and their contemporary digital frameworks of identity and solidarity. Engaging media theory, critical race theory, and Black feminist theory, as well as contemporary feminist movements, this book argues that digital feminist interventions map themselves onto and make use of the multiplicity and ambiguity[…]

Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions

Published: 11/22/2023

Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions is a transdiciplinary essay collection that explores the physical, conceptual, and political possibilities materialized by “solarity”— a form of relation to the sun and its elemental force upon planetary life. The authors propose that a different set of questions becomes possible when the material specificities of solar become the compass[…]