paq’batlh: The Klingon Epic (2nd edn.)


Published: 07/21/2022

paq’batlh: The Klingon Epic is the definitive edition of the grand Klingon epic of Kahless the Unforgettable (qeylIS lIjlaHbogh pagh). The story of Kahless is a tale of legendary proportions comparable to those of ancient heroes Hercules, Ulysses, and Gilgamesh. Betrayed by his brother and witness to his father’s brutal slaying, Kahless is pitted against[…]

Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies 1


Published: 07/21/2020

Lamma aims to provide a forum for critically understanding the complex ideas, values, social configurations, histories, and material realities in Libya. Recognizing, and insisting on, the urgent need for such a forum, we give attention to a wide a range of disciplines, sources, and approaches, foregrounding especially those which have previously received less scholarly attention.[…]