’Pataphilology: An Irreader

Published: 11/19/2018

1883. Jean-Pierre Brisset realizes that a close phonological analysis of spoken words will demonstrate that the French language, and therefore the human species, was evolved from frogs. 1896. Consulted as an expert in linguistics and comparative philology, Ferdinand de Saussure reports that the passages of Martian Language transcribed during the “sonambulistic glossolalias” of one (pseudonymously[…]

Memoir American


Published: 04/28/2013

In the dead letter office, you will find a Memoir American. The texts which comprise it — forms of essay, talk, dialogue — at one time saw themselves as individualists who went somewhere (to small press magazines) on their own. Now they are here, collected with the chance of going nowhere together. As it should[…]