Noise Thinks the Anthropocene: An Experiment in Noise Poetics


Published: 02/13/2019

In an increasingly technologized and connected world, it seems as if noise must be increasing. Noise, however, is a complicated term with a complicated history. Noise can be traced through structures of power, theories of knowledge, communication, and scientific practice, as well as through questions of art, sound, and music. Thus, rather than assume that[…]

Ravish the Republic


Published: 07/15/2015

In the 2011 book Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture, the artist Gregory Sholette posits that we are living in an era of surplus creative energies concentrated in a teeming archive of artists, the poor, the “unskilled” and the “economically invisible.” It is a potentially disruptive archive that capitalism can’t[…]

All in A Jurnal’s Work: A BABEL Wayzgoose

by EILEEN JOY . . . for too long, thinking has been validated by the academy, by the answerable, by the already decided. To me, this requires—as an answer— the irresponsibility of thought, what Nancy calls, “a world for which all is not already done (played out, finished, enshrined in a destiny), nor entirely still[…]

Intimate Bureaucracies

Published: 03/09/2012

Intimate Bureaucracies is a history from the future looking backward at our present moment as a turning point. Our systems of organization and control appear unsustainable and brutal, and we are feeling around in the dark for alternatives. Using experiments in social organization in downtown New York City, and other models of potential alternative social[…]