Not Breaking the Rules Is Unconscionable: Where Punctum is Headed, Why It Is Hard, and What You Can Do To Help

by EILEEN JOY … because humanities scholarship is so tied to writing and publishing, opening up new possibilities for writing and publishing may, in fact, open up new possibilities within the institution itself. To change attitudes toward academic style means changing practices in the training of graduate students, … changing the practices of conferences and[…]

Knowledge, Spirit, Law // Book 1: Radical Scholarship


Published: 12/24/2015

Knowledge, Spirit, Law is a de facto phenomenology of scholarship in the age of neoliberal capitalism. The eleven essays (plus Appendices) in Book 1: Radical Scholarship cover topics and circle themes related to the problems and crises specific to neoliberal academia, while proposing creative paths around the various obstructions. The obstructions include metrics-obsessed academia, circular[…]