On the Trail of the Morning Star: Psychosis as Self-Discovery


Published: 05/15/2024

In 1936, at age nineteen, Dorothea Buck followed the trail of a star along the mudflats of her North Sea home, Wangerooge Island in Germany. Hospitalized at a Christian institution called Bethel, she was sterilized under Nazi law upon a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Buck lost her lifelong dream of becoming a teacher—the sterilized could not[…]

Open Book in Ways of Water


Published: 07/14/2023

In Open Book in Ways of Water, poet and artist Adam Wolfond explores the synaesthetic quality of autistic perception, the way in which water in its different materializations shapes and channels language. Building on notions such as “wetness,” “streams,” and “currents,” Wolfond constructs a linguistic universe in which writing and perception merge, move, and “pace[…]

ΠCase Files, Vol. 01

Published: 05/13/2021

Over the past ten years, Organs Everywhere (Œ) has promoted conversations that approach architectural design from the edges of the discipline — testing its boundaries, technologies, methods and (e)valuation systems, and keeping them unstable. It has valued transdisciplinary, speculative and irreverent explorations over strict publishing formats and academic purity, promoting a profanatory and open-ended ethos.[…]

Teaching Myself to See


Published: 02/11/2021

Teaching Myself to See deals with Tito’s struggles to participate in a world full of visual details. As a person with autism, Tito is visually selective, processing the myriad of details seeping in through the eye rather than the whole. Tracing Tito’s experiences to learn to see in his own, “hyper-visual” way, through art, through[…]

How We Read: Tales, Fury, Nothing, Sound


Published: 07/18/2019

What do we do when we read? Reading can be an act of consumption or an act of creation. Our “work reading” overlaps with our “pleasure reading,” and yet these two modes of reading engage with different parts of the self. It is sometimes passive, sometimes active, and can even be an embodied form. The[…]

A Manga Perfeita


Published: 12/18/2019

This is a Portuguese translation of The Perfect Mango O abuso sexual e o abuso de todos os tipos despedaçam o corpo. Fendem a experiência num antes e depois. Em meu caso, no entanto, o tempo foi muito mais tortuoso. O que é uma experiência que te leva com ela? Como falar de atos que multiplicam,[…]

The Perfect Mango


Published: 02/20/2019

Sexual abuse and abuse of all kinds breaks the body. It cleaves experience into a before and after. In my case, though, time was much more crooked. What is an experience that takes you with it? How to speak of acts that multiply, of ways of living that seem to call them forth? How to[…]