Selected Essays, 2019–2023


There are floods that destroy entire contents of a library or publishing house; libraries and museums bombed during wartime; authors themselves demanding certain works or letters be burned at their death; those who attempt at their own risk to save what they can of a manuscript; manuscripts left in taxis and never to be found[…]

Cycle of Dreams


Published: 12/15/2024

An experimental hybrid work, Cycle of Dreams pairs translation and original poetry. The translations, or adaptations, are of William Langland’s strange and wild fourteenth-century dream vision, Piers Plowman, a politically radical English and Latin poem written in the wake of plague and divided into a prologue and twenty passūs or steps. Eric Weiskott transposes the action[…]

Janky Materiality: Artifice & Interface


Janky materiality works by not working. It is the spirit in the machine, the ghost in language, the provisional operation. It is a musicological poetics run through a patchwork apparatus. Janky Materiality: Artifice & Interface is a transdisciplinary performative critical investigation of analog–digital interface and materiality, language-oriented poetry and digital language art, experimental electronic music[…]

100 Chinese Silences


Published: 10/05/2024

There are one hundred kinds of Chinese silence: the silence of unknown grandfathers; the silence of borrowed Buddha and rebranded Confucius; the silence of alluring stereotypes and exotic reticence. These poems make those silences heard. Writing back to an “orientalist” tradition that has defined modern American poetry, these 100 Chinese silences unmask the imagined Asias[…]

boy says (a book with no ending)


Published: 09/14/2024

Where does your voice come from? The one you speak with, or the one you read with? What does it sound like when you read, silently, to yourself? There are the first influences, or at least the ones that first come to mind. But you quickly admit that there are others as well. The voices[…]

The Diary of Anna Comnena, or The Very Political Adventures of a Transgender Byzantine Princess in African Elevators

Published: 09/06/2024

In The Diary of Anna Comnena, or The Very Political Adventures of a Transgender Byzantine Princess in African Elevators, Zamler-Carhart impersonates the 12th-century Byzantine princess and historian Anna Comnena as she comes out as trans and tries to write her father’s imperial biography, The Alexiad, while in exile in contemporary West Africa. Outside the Empire,[…]

A Cyborg’s Father: Misreading Donna Haraway


When his daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as an infant and became dependent on technology to stay alive, Dave Brennan set off in search of a vision: what does it mean to live as a cyborg? And how might he best help his daughter navigate the relationship between machine and flesh? Beginning with[…]

The Mediterranean Question


Whose Mediterranean are we talking about? What languages are most appropriate to its reception and understanding? With two-thirds constituted by the histories and cultures of its African and Asian shorelines and hinterlands, and its principal spoken language – in all its variants and dialects – being Arabic, then the Mediterranean clearly exceeds the Western frame[…]