A Manga Perfeita


Published: 12/18/2019

This is a Portuguese translation of The Perfect Mango O abuso sexual e o abuso de todos os tipos despedaçam o corpo. Fendem a experiência num antes e depois. Em meu caso, no entanto, o tempo foi muito mais tortuoso. O que é uma experiência que te leva com ela? Como falar de atos que multiplicam,[…]

The Perfect Mango


Published: 02/20/2019

Sexual abuse and abuse of all kinds breaks the body. It cleaves experience into a before and after. In my case, though, time was much more crooked. What is an experience that takes you with it? How to speak of acts that multiply, of ways of living that seem to call them forth? How to[…]

Chaste Cinematics

Published: 10/31/2015

Victor J. Vitanza (author of Sexual Violence in Western Thought and Writing) continues to rethink the problem of sexual violence in cinema and how rape is often represented in “chaste” ways, in the form of a Chaste Cinematics. Vitanza continues to discuss Chaste Cinematics as participating in transdisciplinary-rhetorical traditions that establish the very foundations (groundings,[…]

A Sanctuary of Sounds


Published: 05/23/2013

A Sanctuary of Sounds is an aural rewriting of William Faulkner’s novel Sanctuary (1931). A polyphonic object. A garden — assemblage of blooms, of affects, of sounds, of meaning. An invitation to rethink appropriation ethically, aesthetically, and epistemologically. The appropriation of a body of work, of a physical body, of an idea, of data. The[…]