Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations


In times of Earthly crises, habituated Euro-Western vocabularies and imaginaries — dichotomist and human-centric — need to be questioned, and radically different ones developed. Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations employs the sleeping body as a theoretically informed and politically motivated figure to open novel imaginaries and relationalities — ones[…]

Something More Splendid Than Two


Published: 10/13/2022

Blending literary analysis and memoir, Something More Splendid Than Two is at once an excavation of intergenerational wounds, a dance number, a poem, and a fraught love letter from son to father that disrupts the dominant narratives surrounding the life and myth of Joaquín Murrieta. In the Mexican American imaginary, the legend of Joaquín Murrieta[…]

Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices

Published: 03/10/2022

Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices is a speculative endeavor asking how we may represent, relay, and read worlds differently by seeing other species as protagonists in their own rights. What other stories are to be invented and told from within those many-tongued chatters of multispecies collectives? Could such stories teach us how to become human[…]