A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues


In this lyric memoir, Seo-Young Chu experiments with using literary fugues to explore the literal and figurative “fugue states” — from spells of incantatory writing to oneiric re-namings of the self — in which she has found refuge from abuse, intergenerational distress, and rape trauma. The voices animating the fugues in A Refuge for Jae-in[…]

Misinterest: Essays, Pensées, and Dreams


Published: 06/27/2019

The term “interest” lacks a precise antonym. In English, we have “disinterested” and “uninteresting,” but we want for a term that denotes robust opposition to interest. The same appears to hold true in every other language (as far as we know). Interest’s missing antonym reflects not merely a widespread lexical oversight, but a misrecognition of[…]

Deleuze and the Passions

Published: 12/21/2016

In recent years the humanities, social sciences and neuroscience have witnessed an ‘affective turn,’ especially in discourses around post-Fordist labor, economic and ecological crises, populism and identity politics, mental health, and political struggle. This new awareness would be unthinkable without the pioneering work of Gilles Deleuze, who replaced judgment with affect as the very material movement[…]

Helvete 1: Incipit


Published: 04/09/2013

Not to be confused with metal studies, music criticism, ethnography, or sociology, Helvete: A Journal of Black Metal Theory is a speculative and creative endeavor, one which seeks ways of thinking that count as Black Metal events — and indeed, to see how Black Metal might count as thinking. Theory of Black Metal, and Black[…]

The Death of Conrad Unger: Some Conjectures Regarding Parasitosis and Associated Suicide Behavior


Published: 08/13/2012

The death by suicide of Gary J. Shipley’s close friend, Conrad Unger (writer, theorist and amateur entomologist), has prompted him to confront not only the cold machinery of self-erasure, but also its connections to the literary life and notions surrounding psychological bewitchment, to revaluate in both fictional and entomological terms just what it is that[…]