Bullied: The Story of an Abuse

Published: 10/21/2021

What happens when the defining moment of your life might be a figment of your imagination? How do you understand — and live with — definitive feelings of having been abused when the origin of those feelings won’t adhere to a singular event but are rather diffused across years of experience? In Bullied: The Story[…]

A Manga Perfeita


Published: 12/18/2019

This is a Portuguese translation of The Perfect Mango O abuso sexual e o abuso de todos os tipos despedaçam o corpo. Fendem a experiência num antes e depois. Em meu caso, no entanto, o tempo foi muito mais tortuoso. O que é uma experiência que te leva com ela? Como falar de atos que multiplicam,[…]

The Perfect Mango


Published: 02/20/2019

Sexual abuse and abuse of all kinds breaks the body. It cleaves experience into a before and after. In my case, though, time was much more crooked. What is an experience that takes you with it? How to speak of acts that multiply, of ways of living that seem to call them forth? How to[…]