Autotheory and Its Others


Ever since Maggie Nelson’s Argonauts gave the word fresh currency a decade ago, autotheory has infiltrated scholarly, literary, and artistic practices. Yet Lauren Fournier’s Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism is the only book on the topic to appear so far. Autotheory and Its Others, the field’s first multi-authored essay collection, contributes[…]

like a dog

Published: 02/29/2024

Taking its cues from the New Narrative writing movement, like a dog considers how sexual identity is morphed, hidden, and denied by cultural forces like film, pornography, rape culture, and sexual semiotics. The speaker of like a dog writes about her sexuality, sexual trauma, and relationships in the epistolary form to explore how the personal[…]

Widening Scripts: Cultivating Feminist Care in Academic Labor

Published: 10/19/2023

Widening Scripts: Cultivating Feminist Care in Academic Labor is addressed to scholars, educators, and students devoted to the struggle against precarity, atomization, and the commodification of knowledge. Through shared reading, discussion, and reflection, and gathered around a shared interest in feminist theory and politics, the authors discovered a model of care within academia that helped[…]

Exoanthropology: Dialogues with AI

Published: 03/02/2023

Before the company OpenAI publicly released their ChatGPT chatbot in November 2022, Robert Leib had been a tester in OpenAI’s beta playground for GPT-3, a powerful Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine — a chatbot, or artificial intelligence. Exoanthropology: Dialogues with AI is a series of dialogues between Leib, a continental philosopher, and GPT-3’s hive mind[…]

Steal This Classroom: Teaching and Learning Unbound

Published: 11/28/2019

Check out the interactive website for Steal This Classroom HERE! In Steal This Classroom: Teaching and Learning Unbound, which comprises a book as well as an interactive website (designed by Alli Crandell), Jody Cohen and Anne Dalke construe “classrooms” as testing grounds, paradoxically boxed-in spaces that cannot keep their promise to enclose, categorize, or name.[…]

Derrida and Queer Theory

Published: 05/26/2017

Coming from behind (derrière) — how else to describe a volume called “Derrida and Queer Theory”? As if arriving late to the party, or, indeed, after the party is already over. After all, we already have Deleuze and Queer Theory and, of course, Saint Foucault. And judging by Annamarie Jagose’s Queer Theory: An Introduction, in[…]

The Communism of Thought


Published: 04/01/2014

The Communism of Thought takes as its point of departure a passage in a letter from Dionys Mascolo to Gilles Deleuze: “I have called this communism of thought in the past. And I placed it under the auspices of Hölderlin, who may have only fled thought because he was unable to live it: ‘The life[…]