Derrida and Queer Theory

Published: 05/26/2017

Coming from behind (derrière) — how else to describe a volume called “Derrida and Queer Theory”? As if arriving late to the party, or, indeed, after the party is already over. After all, we already have Deleuze and Queer Theory and, of course, Saint Foucault. And judging by Annamarie Jagose’s Queer Theory: An Introduction, in[…]

After the “Speculative Turn”: Realism, Philosophy, and Feminism

Published: 10/26/2016

Recent forms of realism in continental philosophy that are habitually subsumed under the category of “speculative realism,” a denomination referring to rather heterogeneous strands of philosophy, bringing together object-oriented ontology (OOO), non-standard philosophy (or non-philosophy), the speculative realist ideas of Quentin Meillassoux and Marxism, have provided grounds for the much needed critique of culturalism in gender theory, and[…]

The Funambulist Papers, Volume 2


Published: 04/09/2015

This book is the second volume of texts curated specifically for The Funambulist since 2011. The editorial line of this second series of twenty-six essays is dedicated to philosophical and political questions about bodies. This choice is informed by Léopold Lambert’s own interest in the (often violent) relation between the designed environment and bodies. Corporeal[…]

Toward a Radical Metaphysics of Socialism: Marx and Laruelle

Published: 08/24/2015

Departing from the conventional readings of Karl Marx’s Capital and other of his works, by way of François Laruelle’s “radicalization of concepts,” Katerina Kolozova identifies a theoretical kernel in Marx’s thought whose critical and interpretative force can be employed without reference to its subsequent interpretations in the philosophical mainstream. The latter entails a process of[…]

The South Station Hoard: Imagining, Creating and Empowering Violent Remains

Published: 12/27/2014

This collaborative arts research project compares the landmark discovery of the Staffordshire Hoard, the largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver metalwork discovered in 2009, with an imagined hoard from present day pre-adolescent girls. The collaborators constructed a subterranean installation, generated speculative historical documents, collected and embellished social networking “artifacts,” and photographed the entire process.[…]

Atopological Trilogy


Published: 03/15/2015

Atopological Trilogy creates new concepts for Deleuze-Guattarian thought without any heed for sectarian, sermonising, or dutiful readings of the philosophers. In Part I of the trilogy, “Becoming-Sexual of the Sexual,” Aracagök demonstrates the ways in which quantum theory and the concept of “complementarity” inform Deleuze and Guattari’s thought, especially in relation to “becoming” in general and “becoming-woman”[…]

Reflecting and Refracting: A Review of Jean-Paul Martinon’s The End of Man

We’re pleased to feature Ilya Merlin’s review of Jean-Paul Martinon’s book, The End of Man, published by punctum last March: Reflecting and Refracting The End of Man by Ilya Merlin To ask oneself before another: by what means does he calm within himself the desire to be everything? -Georges Bataille The state of sleep guarantees[…]

The Penetrated Male

Published: 09/12/2013

Through nuanced readings of a handful of modernist texts (Baudelaire, Huysmans, Wilde, Genet, Joyce, and Schreber’s Memoirs), this book explores and interrogates the figure of the penetrated male body, developing the concept of the behind as a site of both fascination and fear. Deconstructing the penetrated male body and the genderisation of its representation, The[…]