Cries from the Merry-Go-Round: A Fugue of Shouts from an Anti-Ableist Activist

Cries from the Merry-Go-Round: A Fugue of Shouts from an Anti-Ableist Activist is a work of creative activism that suggests a redefinition of what a shout can be. In this case, the Shouts are literary expressions that call attention to urgent, emergent, or continuing daily acts of micro- and macro-aggressions against people living with disabilities who are resisting oppressive systemic ableism. The Shouts in this collection evoke critical reflections about our societal practices and question our current understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusivity relative to people living with their own “non-normative” physical and mental abilities. These narratives explore instances of the everyday occurrences of life, from seeking or maintaining relationships to dealing with the “little things” that pop into, and interrupt, our daily routines. The common thread between these Shouts happens to be people living with one or more disabilities.

Ultimately, Shouts are imperfect narratives of disabled lives. They are incomplete, not conforming, not conventional, not complicit, not complacent, always contesting, always critical, not exhaustive, never too much, never enough, hard to ignore, hard to hear, not any easier to read… So, why these Shouts? A single Shout, a call for attention, can reverberate and become a call for action, echoing and supporting existing Shouts, while triggering and fostering other emerging Shouts. These Shouts, although similar in their urgency, are unique in their particular experience. Each murmured or ear-splitting Shout resonates with another in a contrapuntal collection of critical tales that call attention to the routine realities of systemic ableism.