Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. ~ Karl Marx
Since the spectacular collapse of the political aspirations of Bernie Sanders in the US and Jeremy Corbyn in the UK, the Western left has been thrown into a state of uncertainty. Should it continue to pursue a democratic socialist agenda, attempting to transform liberal capitalism from within? Or should it break with this, calling for revolt against a capitalist class unbowed by the movements of the past decade? In Flowers for Marx, six authors associated with Sublation Media address this question by returning to Marx – or rather, by asking which Marx we should return to. Is Marx an inveterate democrat, whose work privileges the dignity of man above all? Or is he – as Louis Althusser once argued – the founder of a new science, incompatible with the shibboleths of liberal-capitalist society? But the book’s authors also go beyond this, by tackling topics ranging from Marxist feminism to the Mexican Desarrollo to the “boss-maxxing” aesthetics of Kamala Harris.
The cover of Flowers for Marx portrays what could be a flower – or a Tesla coil, discharging into the air like an arc of lightning. Its authors and their essays in this volume grew from the same stem.