
Published: 07/01/2021

With the peristaltic gurglings of this gastēr-investigative procedural – a soooo welcomed addition to the ballooning corpus of slot-versatile bad eggs The Confraternity of Neoflagellants (CoN) – [users] and #influencers everywhere will be belly-joyed to hold hands with neomedieval mutter-matter that literally sticks and branches, available from punctum in both frictionless and grip-gettable boke-shaped formats.[…]

Imperial Physique

Published: 11/19/2019

In 2008,  JH Phrydas wrote a story about how bodies talk without words. He wanted the story to not just describe the silent ritual of nonverbal communication but to perform it. The interaction would be visceral – the exchange melancholic, yet full of lust. He wanted words to retain the unsayable: the subtle movements of[…]

Ardea: A Philosophical Novella

Published: 07/09/2016

What is soul? Can it be forfeited? Can it be traded away? If it can, what would ensue? What consequences would follow from loss of soul — for the individual, for society, for the earth? In the early nineteenth century, Goethe’s hero, Faust, became a defining archetype of modernity, a harbinger of the existential possibilities[…]

An Object-Oriented Ontology© on Amphetamines and Psilocybin: Neomedievalist Theory-Fiction Is Here

by EILEEN JOY At last, the rival Confraternity of SpeculativeRealism® has its missing subject! Here, the human-object/thing sits still-as-stone, dis-connected from one regime in order to connect to another. As such, this book is a contribution to Thing Theory, but of a very queer and wonky kind. An object-oriented ontology© on amphetamines and psilocybin. (Simon[…]

thN Lng folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns™

Published: 10/13/2013

Neomedievalisms are cultural practices that breathe a bouquet of premoderns as permanent rehearsals of coming events. Where medievalists may be prone to police the post-medieval weald for inauthentic medievalisms, neomedievalists embrace the articulation and mobilisation of metahistorical anachronisms. To the medievalist, medievalisms provide powerful indexes that reveal how post-medieval societies have variously imagined ‘little middle ages’ to[…]

Just in Time for the Winter Doldrums: Dark Chaucer

by EILEEN JOY . . . you never know what you will discover in the dark. . . . certainly our shared enterprise requires dependability, loyalty, generosity, hard work; those who employ us, take our classes, and read our work deserve our full engagement. But if we are to commit ourselves truly to the study[…]