Becoming Afro-Dutch: Hybrid Being in Black Art and Culture


In Becoming Afro-Dutch, artist, curator, and researcher Charl Landvreugd argues that we do not yet have a language to understand Afro-Dutchness, and that it is insufficient to rely on the discourses developed in African American, Afro-British, or Caribbean cultural theory alone. This critical monograph on continental European Black art and cultural history articulates the specificity[…]

Feminist Solidarities after Modulation

Published: 11/30/2023

Feminist Solidarities after Modulation produces an intersectional analysis of transnational feminist movements and their contemporary digital frameworks of identity and solidarity. Engaging media theory, critical race theory, and Black feminist theory, as well as contemporary feminist movements, this book argues that digital feminist interventions map themselves onto and make use of the multiplicity and ambiguity[…]

Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions

Published: 11/22/2023

Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions is a transdiciplinary essay collection that explores the physical, conceptual, and political possibilities materialized by “solarity”— a form of relation to the sun and its elemental force upon planetary life. The authors propose that a different set of questions becomes possible when the material specificities of solar become the compass[…]

Static Palace

Published: 12/01/2022

In the face of unimaginably violent systems, our most vulnerable bodies — sick, disabled, unable to rise from bed — offer the resistance of imperative vulnerability. What can we learn from the body that cannot help but fail? How can porosity perform treachery within entrenched opressions? What kind of reading and relationship to text can[…]

My Phone Lies to Me: Fake News Poetry Workshops As Radical Digital Media Literacy Given the Fact of Fake News

Published: 11/18/2022

This book of poems about fake news written by diverse project participants is foremost an invitation and invocation for readers to participate, with others, in an experiment in knowing and working differently with the internet: Fake News Poetry Workshops. Between 2018 and 2020, Alexandra Juhasz directed more than twenty of these workshops around the world,[…]

Anglo-Saxon(ist) Pasts, postSaxon Futures

Published: 12/30/2019

We are all, no matter how little we like it, the bearers of unwanted and often shunned memory, of a history whose infiltrations are at times so stealthy we can pretend otherwise, and at times so loud we can’t hear much of anything else. We’re still here — there differently than those before us, but[…]