Turkish Voices


Published: 06/23/2022

Turkish Voices, written during 1989/90, is initially based on the Second New Turkish poet Cemal Süreya’s first book of poetry, Üvercinka (Pigeon English), which he wrote during the 1950s, in his twenties. In this book, striking erotic passages of uncanny psychological insight, where a nexus between pleasure and power is revealed through the lyric persona[…]

Gender Trouble Couplets, Volume 1

Published: 11/15/2019

  Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity radically claimed that the sexed body is a fallacy, discursively constructed by the performance of gender. A.W. Strouse has undertaken to rewrite Butler’s classic tome into an octosyllabic poem. Inspired by the rhyming encyclopedias of the Middle Ages, Strouse transforms each of Butler’s sentences[…]

Derrida and Queer Theory

Published: 05/26/2017

Coming from behind (derrière)—how else to describe a volume called “Derrida and Queer Theory”? — as if arriving late to the party, or, indeed, after the party is already over. After all, we already have Deleuze and Queer Theory and, of course, Saint Foucault. And judging by Annamarie Jagose’s Queer Theory: An Introduction, in which[…]

Speculations IV: Speculative Realism


Published: 06/05/2013

With this special volume of Speculations, the editors wanted to challenge the contested term “speculative realism,” offering scholars who have some involvement with it a space to voice their opinions of the network of ideas commonly associated with the name. Whilst undoubtedly born under speculative realist auspices, Speculations has never tried to be the gospel[…]