Letters on the Autonomy Project


Published: 06/02/2022

In the face of rising authoritarianism and on the heels of urgent struggle, autonomy calls to us. How might we excavate the theory and history of autonomous politics to arrive at new possibilities for radical democracy and the radical imaginary? How can we rethink the ways in which artistic autonomy is theorized and practiced beyond[…]

Obiter Dicta


Published: 10/14/2021

Stitched together over five years of journaling, Obiter Dicta is a lyrical compendium representing the transcription of twelve notebooks, since painstakingly reimagined for publication. This unschooled exercise in aesthetic thought, interlaced with quotations from hundreds of diverse authors, interrogates a wide array of subject matter through notes, commentary, observations, and musings. With lessons stolen from[…]

Critique of Fantasy, Vol. 3: The Block of Fame


Published: 01/14/2021

In The Block of Fame, Edmund Bergler, like the thirteenth fairy in the “Sleeping Beauty,“ uninvited because there wasn’t an extra place setting, crashes the psychoanalytic poetics of daydreaming with a curse. He charges that the overview, according to which art making rarefies daydreaming and delivers omnipotence, overlooks the underlying defense contract. We are hooked[…]

Non-Conceptual Negativity: Damaged Reflections on Turkey


Published: 03/27/2019

Non-Conceptual Negativity: Damaged Reflections on Turkey critiques those who have accused Deleuze of an unbounded affirmation which, according to them, has played directly into the hands of capitalist modes of production. Yet no one has acknowledged that under the aegis of nano-fascism, late capitalism has grown into Neanderthal capitalism, invented and developed in laboratory countries like[…]

Dialectics Unbound: On the Possibility of Total Writing


Published: 06/28/2013

Dialectics Unbound: On the Possibility of Total Writing re-imagines figures of ontological totality, in and out of writing, first by exploring some lineages of the dialectic, and second by engaging thinkers such as Theodor Adorno and his assertion of nonidentity, Julia Kristeva and her positing of a fourth term of the dialectic, and Fredric Jameson’s[…]