Covert Plants: Vegetal Consciousness and Agency in an Anthropocentric World


Published: 09/11/2018

Covert Plants contributes to newly emerging discourses on the implications of vegetal life for the arts and culture. This stretches to changes in our perception of ‘nature’ and to the adapting roles of botany, evolutionary ecology, and environmental aesthetics in the humanities. Its editors and contributors seek various expressions of vegetal life rather than the[…]

The Republic of Cthulhu: Lovecraft, the Weird Tale, and Conspiracy Theory

Published: 11/07/2016

If parapolitics, a branch of radical criminology that studies the interactions between public entities and clandestine agencies, is to develop as an academic discipline, then it must develop a coherent theory of aesthetics in order to successfully perform its primary function: to render perceptible extra-judicial phenomena that have hitherto resisted formal classification. Wilson offers the work[…]

Incoherent Geography, Phanto-Cartography, and the Open Commons

by EILEEN JOY To pull cities together, and then push them apart. To feel their bricks crumble in our fingers like honeycomb, before fusing them once more between our palms. To hang the great capitals of the world from the crescent moon, like a nightwatchman’s lamp. To fold them into origami birds that nest in[…]

In Divisible Cities


Published: 08/26/2013

Access interactive companion web-book here. Italo Calvino rewrites Baudrillard’s America with a more global eye, as edited by Roland Barthes. In Divisible Cities takes Italo Calvino’s classic re-imagining of Venice, viewed in the mind’s eye from many different metaphysical angles, and projects it on to the world at large. Where the Italian saw his favorite[…]

continent. Year 1

Published: 12/12/2012

continent. maps a topology of unstable confluences and ranges across new thinking traversing interstices and alternate directions in culture, theory, politics and art. continent. Year 1: A selection of issues 1.1-1.4 collects a variety of thoughts and tropes from the 2011 issues of continent., ranging from work on Greek poetry to deep brain recordings, from speculative[…]

On an Ungrounded Earth

Published: 03/13/2013

For too long, the Earth has been used to ground thought instead of bending it; such grounding leaves the planet as nothing but a stage for phenomenology, deconstruction, or other forms of anthropocentric philosophy. In far too much continental philosophy, the Earth is a cold, dead place enlivened only by human thought—either as a thing[…]