Radical theory has always been beset by the question of ontology, albeit to varying degrees and under differing conditions. In recent years, in particular, political metaphysics has returned with force: the rise of Deleuze-influenced “new materialisms,” along with post-/non-Deleuzian Speculative Realism (SR) and Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO), all bear testament to this. In this same period, anarchism has returned as a major influence on social movements and critical scholarship alike. What, then, are some of the potential resonances between these currents, particularly given that anarchism has so often been understood/misunderstood as a fundamentally idealist philosophy? This special issue of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (Issue 2013.2) considers these questions in dialogue with the new materialisms, Speculative Realism, and Object-Oriented Ontology, in order to seek new points of departure. It is in this sense that ADCS also strives to play a critical role recent discussions in the wider political, cultural, and philosophical milieu.
EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION: Duane Rousselle and Jason Adams, “Anarchism’s Other Scene: Materializing the Ideal and Idealizing the Material”
ARTICLES: ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHÉ: Levi R. Bryant, “The Gravity of Things: An Introduction to Onto-Cartography” — John W.M. Krummel, “Reiner Schürmann and Cornelius Castoriadis: Between Ontology and Praxis” — Hilan Bensusan, “Polemos Doesn’t Stop Anywhere Short of the World: On Anarcheology, Ontology, and Politics” — Ben Woodard, “Schellingian Thought for Ecological Politics” — Jason Harman, “Ontological Anarché: Beyond Arché & Anarché”
ARTICLES: ANARCHIST ONTOLOGY: Salvo Vaccaro, “Critique of Static Ontology and Becoming-Anarchy” — Jared McGeough, “Three Scandals in the Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling: Ontology, Freedom, Mythology” — Joseph Christian Greer, “Occult Origins: Hakim Bey’s Ontological Post-Anarchism” — Tom Marling, “Anarchism and the Question of Practice: Ontology in the Chinese Anarchist Movement, 1919-1927″ — Gregory Kalyniuk, “Jurisprudence of the Damned: Deleuze’s Masochian Humour and Anarchist Neo-Monadology”
REVIEW ESSAY: Shannon Brincat, “The Problem of an Anarchist Civil Society” — Mohammed A. Bamyeh, “A Response to Shannon Brincat”
BOOK REVIEW: Anthony T. Fiscella, “Christian Anarchism” // INTERVIEW: Christos Stergiou interviews Levi Bryant.
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS), edited by Duane Rousselle and Süreyyya Evren, is an international, open-access journal devoted to the study of new and emerging perspectives in anarchist thought and practice from or through a cultural studies perspective. The interdisciplinary focus of the journal presumes an analysis of a broad range of cultural phenomena, the development of diverse methodological traditions, as well as the investigation of both macro-structural issues and the micrological practices of “everyday life.” ADCS is an attempt to bring anarchist thought into contact with innumerable points of connection.
ISSN: 1923-5615