Making a Laboratory: Dynamic Configurations with Transversal Video


Published: 08/06/2020

Making a Laboratory defines a new audiovisual embodied research method that short-circuits experimental practice and video recording to generate new kinds of data and documents. Overturning conventional hierarchies of knowledge, “Dynamic Configurations with Transversal Video” (DCTV) grounds both discursive and audiovisual knowledges within the space of embodied practice, synthesizing insights from historical epistemologist Hans-Jörg Rheinberger[…]

Critique of Fantasy, Vol. 3: The Block of Fame


Published: 01/14/2021

In The Block of Fame, Edmund Bergler, like the thirteenth fairy in the “Sleeping Beauty,“ uninvited because there wasn’t an extra place setting, crashes the psychoanalytic poetics of daydreaming with a curse. He charges that the overview, according to which art making rarefies daydreaming and delivers omnipotence, overlooks the underlying defense contract. We are hooked[…]

Critique of Fantasy, Vol. 2: The Contest between B-Genres


Published: 11/24/2020

In The Contest between B-Genres, the “Space Trilogy” by J.R.R. Tolkien’s friend and colleague C.S. Lewis and the roster of American science fictions that Gotthard Günther selected and glossed for the German readership in 1952 demarcate the ring in which the contestants face off. In carrying out in fiction the joust that Tolkien proclaimed in[…]

Massa por Argamassa: A “Biblioteca de Babel” e o Sonho da Totalidade


Published: 09/17/2019

Massa por Argamassa apresenta uma exploração profunda de um dos maiores ilusionistas da literatura, Jorge Luis Borges. Seu conto “A Biblioteca de Babel” é um exemplar ilustre de sua capacidade lúdica, embora não somente devido ao mundo invertido que nele é imaginado, no qual uma biblioteca, que supostamente contém todas as combinações possíveis de todas[…]

Television Scales

Published: 10/02/2019

How to reckon with the staggering volume of television materials, past and present? And how to comprehend all the potential, complex scales at which to grapple with television, from its tiniest units of audiovisual content to its most massive industrial coordinates and beyond? In Television Scales, Nick Salvato demonstrates how the problem of scale in[…]


Published: 07/20/2019

Moonbit is a hybrid work comprised of experimental poetry and a critical theory of the poetics and politics of computer code. It offers an extended intellectual and creative engagement with the affordances of computer software through multiple readings and re-writings of a singular text, the source code of the Apollo 11 Guidance Computer or the[…]

Post Memes: Seizing the Memes of Production

Published: 11/25/2019

Art-form, send-up, farce, ironic disarticulation, pastiche, propaganda, trololololol, mode of critique, mode of production, means of politicisation, even of subjectivation — memes are the inner currency of the internet’s circulatory system. Independent of any one set value, memes are famously the mode of conveyance for the alt-right, the irony left, and the apoliticos alike,  and[…]