Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations


In times of Earthly crises, habituated Euro-Western vocabularies and imaginaries — dichotomist and human-centric — need to be questioned, and radically different ones developed. Thinking with the Sleeping Body: A Feminist Reimagination of Human-Earth Relations employs the sleeping body as a theoretically informed and politically motivated figure to open novel imaginaries and relationalities — ones[…]

Lifetimes: A Theory of Timescales and Life Forms


At the beginning of the 21st century, many of our most well-known and dependable forms of keeping, managing, and representing time are losing their grasp on the real. Clocks cannot measure how societies speed up, or come to a standstill during crisis, modern historiography is unable to come up with meaningful narratives about mankind as[…]

Urban Liquefaction: Rethinking the Relationship between Land and Sea


From classical times until today, cities have been conceived in the western imagination as ideally confined to the fixities of the land, a space defined in opposition to the fluxes of the sea. Whereas solid land afforded a durable platform for the establishment of property and citizenship, the fluid sea allowed markets – isolated within[…]

Atlas of Petromodernity

Published: 07/05/2024

The Atlas of Petromodernity is many things in one: historical and geographical non-fiction, cultural theory essay, and picture book. In forty-four short essays, inspired by an equal amount of pictorial findings, Klose and Steininger develop a technical, geographical, political, and speculative panorama of the declining era of petroleum modernity. The authors stroll through Baku, Rotterdam,[…]

Ontohackers: Radical Movement Philosophy in the Age of Extinctions and Algorithms, Part III: Metahistories of Movement: Philosophies in Becoming (An Appendix or Extension)


Ontohackers redefines what movement, worlds, and bodies are through the sense of proprioception reconceptualized as formless fluctuation field, a movement matrix that is itself also thought, and which underlies all life forms and fields, including the inorganic. Our worlds are made of endless such entangled fields n-folding in neverending variation or enferance. The current planetary[…]

Ontohackers: Radical Movement Philosophy in the Age of Extinctions and Algorithms, Part II: R/evolution Technologies


Ontohackers redefines what movement, worlds, and bodies are through the sense of proprioception reconceptualized as formless fluctuation field, a movement matrix that is itself also thought, and which underlies all life forms and fields, including the inorganic. Our worlds are made of endless such entangled fields n-folding in neverending variation or enferance. The current planetary[…]

Artificial Earth: A Genealogy of Planetary Technicity

Published: 10/26/2023

Artificial Earth: A Genealogy of Planetary Technicity offers an intellectual history of humanity as a geological force, focusing on a prevalent contradiction in the Anthropocene discourse on global environmental change: on the one hand, it has been argued that there are hardly any pristine environments anymore, to the degree that the concept of nature has[…]

Œ Case Files, Vol. 01

Published: 05/13/2021

Over the past ten years, Organs Everywhere (Œ) has promoted conversations that approach architectural design from the edges of the discipline — testing its boundaries, technologies, methods and (e)valuation systems, and keeping them unstable. It has valued transdisciplinary, speculative and irreverent explorations over strict publishing formats and academic purity, promoting a profanatory and open-ended ethos.[…]