Urban Interactions: Communication and Competition in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages


Published: 10/15/2020

This volume is dedicated to eliciting the interactions between localities across late antique and early medieval Europe and the wider Mediterranean. Significant research has been done in recent years to explore how late “Roman” and post-“Roman” cities, towns and other localities communicated vis-à-vis larger structural phenomena, such as provinces, empires, kingdoms, institutions and so on.[…]

Reiner Schürmann and the Poetics of Politics


Published: 09/28/2018

Reiner Schürmann’s thinking is, as he himself would say, “riveted to a monstrous site.” It remains focused on and situated between natality and mortality, the ultimate traits that condition human life. This book traces the contours of Schürmann’s thinking in his magnum opus Broken Hegemonies in order to uncover the possibility of a politics that[…]

Insurrectionary Infrastructures

Published: 05/02/2018

Opponents of states and capital must be prepared to defend ourselves. To understand the nature of the state is to know that it will attack to kill when and where it feels a threat to its authority and power. But the struggles against exploitation, oppression, and repression must also move to the offensive. With the[…]

It is the Connection of Desire to Reality that Possesses Revolutionary Force, or, Why I Decided Not to Commit Suicide, After All

by EILEEN JOY I am recently returned from the annual convention of the Modern Language Association in Austin, Texas, accompanied by one of my co-Directors Chris Piuma, and I have to say that it was the most exhilarating, inspiring, galvanzing event I have ever attended, and for reasons that had practically zilch to do with[…]

Nothing Has Yet Been Said: On the Non-Existence of Academic Freedom and the Necessity of Inoperative Community

by Eileen A. Joy *talk given at Harvard University for the Medieval Studies Workshop, 27 April 2015 Nothing Has Yet Been Said: On the Non-Existence of Academic Freedom and the  Necessity of Inoperative Community But if this world, even though it has changed … , proposes no new figure of community, perhaps this in itself[…]