Evil Twins and the Ultimate Insight: Ayn Rand, Vladimir Nabokov, and the Polarized Politics of Reading

Published: 10/05/2023

With the 2020 election, political polarization in the U.S. entered a ludicrous end-stage. Partisanship, once a pseudo-rational system of biases, has devolved to a conflict between incompatible realities. In search of some pathway toward consensus, Evil Twins and the Ultimate Insight: Ayn Rand, Vladimir Nabokov, and the Polarized Politics of Reading looks to the works[…]

A Manga Perfeita


Published: 12/18/2019

This is a Portuguese translation of The Perfect Mango O abuso sexual e o abuso de todos os tipos despedaçam o corpo. Fendem a experiência num antes e depois. Em meu caso, no entanto, o tempo foi muito mais tortuoso. O que é uma experiência que te leva com ela? Como falar de atos que multiplicam,[…]

The Perfect Mango


Published: 02/20/2019

Sexual abuse and abuse of all kinds breaks the body. It cleaves experience into a before and after. In my case, though, time was much more crooked. What is an experience that takes you with it? How to speak of acts that multiply, of ways of living that seem to call them forth? How to[…]

The Digital Dionysus: Nietzsche and the Network-Centric Condition


Published: 09/12/2016

Can Nietzsche be considered a thinker of media and mediation, as the German media theorist Friedrich Kittler declared in his influential book Gramophone, Film, Typewriter? Nietzsche was a truly transdisciplinary thinker, one who never fit into his own nineteenth-century surroundings and who recognized himself as a “herald and precursor” of the future, of our globally-reticulated[…]

Speculations V: Aesthetics in the 21st Century


Published: 05/15/2014

Ever since the turn of the century aesthetics has steadily gained momentum as a central field of study across the disciplines. No longer sidelined, aesthetics has grown in confidence. While this recent development brings with it a return to the work of the canonical authors (most notably Baumgarten and Kant), some contemporary scholars reject the[…]